Friday, July 07, 2006

Saturday, November 23rd, 2007

"Backstage" Amway Training!

If you have been in Amway before
there is a chance you already KNOW
these Insider stats and conversion rates
of what you should expect in your
recruiting efforts.

If you do know them, then this will
be a brief refresher course--one that
every Networker should be able to scream
out in a cold sweat when awakened
at 3 a.m., I assure you!

Stats are important because it is one
of the few "links" us Networkers have
with the REAL world.

Real world, Robert? What do you
mean by that?


Our Grade Schools, Mid-Highs,
High Schools, Colleges and Universities
all teach MATH, Statistics, Geometry,
Trig, and Chemistry.

They don't teach Network Marketing,
now do they?

No, they don't.

School teaches us "formulas" and what
to expect when we add 2 +2.

That is what I call "Real World Teaching".

But, they don't teach us what 2 + 2 equals
in Network Marketing language.

It is indeed, a foreign language to them.

The challenge is to get people who have
NEVER heard of the concept of Network
Marketing to "fit" it into their current
programming they've had in their life.

That's why I'm a "STATS NUT!"

It helps me in my prospecting.

It keeps me going when the going
gets rough and I call for 8 hours straight
on the phone on a Friday and nobody
joins my "deal".

Ever been there?
Ever doubted yourself?

Don't worry.

You're not alone, so have I!

The real "key" to any sustained campaign

Getting yourself to take action.
Getting your downline to take action.

Forget everything else.

Ignorance of FIRE = Robert Blackman

That we me in the beginning.

I made a lot of money then, and I made
it fast. I was a Network Marketing salesperson,
not a networker.

My days in Amway taught me to be a
better networker and realize that my
most important ASSET was the people
in my downline.

It wasn't my product line.
It wasn't my pay plan.
It wasn't my brochure.
It wasn't my training tape.
It wasn't my website.

It was the men and women in my

Without them, I would be nothing.

Your ability to secure your residual future
depends entirely on how well you can persuade
your downline to take ACTION!

And, they need to do so quickly, or the
likelihood of them ever taking action
diminishes greatly.

I used to joke about how the Amway people
do it to you--get you to take action, that is.

I used to say:

"The reason why Amway is so successful
is that the night that you join, they get a name
list of 100 to 300 people from you. And, before
your head hits the pillow that night, they've
already called half your list!"

So, if you woke up the next morning with
"buyers remorse", they didn't care--they
had your contact list--NEXT!

There is some truth to that quote though.

More "plans" or presentations were made
last night on behalf of the Amway corporation
than any other Network Marketing program
in the country.

Here's their secret:

--Massive exposure through Massive Action.

Hey, want to know why your banker joined
Amway before he joined your deal?

They showed him the plan before you did!

While you were stammering around and fumbling
through your script, someone from Amway got
on the phone one night and simply asked the
guy was he happy with what he was doing and
was he open to other opportunities.

That reminds me of the story Len Clements told
me when he took a cross country train trip.

At dinner each night you sat with someone
different than the meal before.

Of course, as the conversation began to pick
up the obvious questions like, "What do you
do for a living, Len?" came up.

Len decided to just say:

"I'm a Network Marketer"

Much to his amazement, a large percentage
of those folks he broke bread with didn't know
what that meant!

There's a clue here--saturation is a MYTH.

When you can sit a dinner with people you
don't know and all of them don't know
what the occupation of "Network Marketer"
means, that is a clue that this thing is
still WIDE OPEN to you and I!

Enough said....back to the banker signing
up in Amway and not your program...

They took action while you were watching TV, or
surfing the Net looking for an "easier deal to
make money in."

Have I hit home, yet?

I know this hurts, but it's the truth.

Your business has failed to get off the ground
not because of your pay plan or your product

Your business has failed to get off the ground
because you're not showing enough presentations,

I get people who tell me all the time:

"Robert, I can't sponsor anyone, nobody will
join my program"

When I ask them how many presentations they
made last month the phone goes cold silent.

Their usual response is:

"What do you mean by a presentation--uh, I
called the 100 names you sent me and nobody

Good grief.

Some of the most neurotic, flighty, undisciplined,
procrastinating and unorganized people in the
world are in Network Marketing.

They fail to grasp the simple fact that this business
is not about them, but about what they can do
for their prospects!

Amway kicks our butts every day, every week
and every month in Domestic and International
sales because they realize that PEOPLE are
the ASSET!

They realize that People connect with other

They realize that meetings, home plans
product pickup and tapes telling others their
"rags to riches" story are the foundation to
their business.

They realize that if simply mailing a brochure,
sending a cassette or video overnight, or
blasting 1,000,000 FAA sights was the secret
they'd cut out the distributor in a heartbeat
and use the commission money for their

The companies need you and I because we
are not just commission salespeople.

We are business owners and you and I will
bend over backwards and upside down again
to make this program work!

We take a :

"Whatever It Takes Attitude!"

Today, I will be teaching you what
keeps those Amway folks going, night
after night, meeting after meeting, convention
after convention, even though they are spending
more money than they are making each and
every month.

I know, I've been there.

--If you've never been to an open meeting
with 250 people (like I used to run
every week in Oklahoma City)

--If you've never been to a convention
with 25,000 Screaming, Eager, Sales
People like I have all over the county.

--If you've never shown a 2-5 year
plan on a napkin at Denny's or IHOP
like I have.

--If you've never done a "Team Calling" every
Monday Night where you have your downline
show up at your home with their "LIST".

If you've never done any of those things
then let me show you a "glimpse" today
of WHAT keeps that business growing
every day regardless of:

--The price of their products
--The payout of their comp plan

When you REALIZE that it is not
your products or comp plan that makes
you RICH, then you start to relax a bit.

You take the pressure off of yourself and
your presentation and you just start looking
for people who are either just "looking" like you
were, or for people you just "connect" with.

You see, when I joined Amway back in the
mid-90's I was already making 6-figures
in Direct mail.

My friends thought I had caught some
sort of "virus" or went "manic" on them
when I announced to the world that I was
STARTING an Amway business.


If you haven't ever been in Amway,
then these stats will interest you
and be vital for the building of your
main program, whatever that may be.

Let me start my training today by saying
that as an "ex-Amway" distributor I
sincerely enjoyed my association with
them for 4 years.

I will not go into all the "gory" details
as why I chose to walk way from my downline
there and sign it over to someone less deserving,
as I'm sure we all have an Amway story
or two (but, I'm willing to bet mine is better
than yours, though, LOL!)

Needless to say, I would not KNOW what
I do today about warm marketing, prospecting,
building people and building my own self-esteem
today if it wasn't for my 4 years in Amway.

In fact, I still listen to many of my old Amway
tapes every month.

Some of the best motivational speakers
in the world are born in Amway.

I thank them for what they taught me.

One of the most important things I learned
from them in Prospecting was to actually
break down how much each:

--Phone call
--QI (quality interview)
--STP (show the plan)

Meant to me in real world dollars over my

For this example I will use a "30-Years Approach"
to show you how much each action you take
is worth to you in your business.

Now, remember, this may be matching
"apples" to "bananas" here, but the
THRUST of my training and method
to my madness today is that:


In other words, I'm going to breakdown
for you how much money each phone
call and each presentation is worth to
you over a 30 year period.

I used this training in my Amway days
to "LOCK" people in and keep them "IN"
when doubt and buyers remorse engulfed them.

It helped me when some guys wife was
bugging him about all the money and
time he was spending away from his family.

It helped me explain to the person who had
never owned a business before about laying
a foundation and take a long term approach
to their business.

And, it just gave me and my entire downline
COMFORT that our efforts today were not
being made in VAIN, and that we were truly
working for something that mattered in the

not exist in Network Marketing.

Oh, sure there are those:

--Fast Start Bonuses
--Coding Bonuses
--Retail Bonuses

That can pay you MONEY now.

Instead, what I'm talking about is developing
and reaping a walk-away residual income
in Network Marketing.

Joe Schroeder says:

--Build a group of 500 active downline members
and you can't stop them from buying even
if you put a gun to their head.

Dale Calvert says:

--Build people and they will build the business.

John Merris says:

--People don't care what you know until they
know how much you care.

I agree with all three of these Pioneers.

But all three of their philosophies aren't worth
a wooden nickel unless someone like you and
I get off our rears and contact someone day in
and day out, until our dreams are realized.

Now, don't immediately right-out-of-
the-gate try to prove or disprove these

That will drive you absolutely NUTS!

Instead, what I want you to do for a moment
is to take off your skeptical "hat" for a
change and really sink your teeth into
what I'm about to show you.


Because these numbers weren't created
out of "THIN AIR".

They were put together by people with
200,000+ or more in their downline.

They were put together by people who
make $100,000 or more a MONTH.

Not a year.
But a month.

They were put together by people who
had nothing better to do than sit around
and analyze their downline and call reports
from 20 years of work.

Now that I've laid the foundation, let's get
to the meat of today's training:


This is definitely a report that you want to
print out and over with a cup coffee, a glass of merlot
or a shot of crown and with your pen and
calculator in hand.

Yes, study and dissect these numbers, it
will do your soul good.

First here is a LEGEND for you to study:

DD = Direct Distributor
($15,000 in volume a month)

QI = Quality Invite
(Where you get on the phone and are able
to go over your script and invite someone
to sit down for a brief overview of what
you are doing)

BI--Brief Interview
(Where you sketch out a 2-5 year plan
and explain the concept of wholesale
distribution to your prospect in person,
usually at a Denny's or at a Hotel 30 minutes
before the "Plan". The BI is effective because
it is like an interview and weeds out people
who are not qualified to be at the PLAN. You
can show 1 or more people a BI at the same
time. I normally showed 2-6 people at a time
a BI at the Hotel meeting 30 minutes before
the plan. I didn't "mess around" with a lot
of one-on-ones. The POSTURE you get
with 6 people at a table in the coffee shop
is INCREDIBLE! It's like all 6 of them are
trying to outdo the other guy or gal and win
my attention. When I had 2 or more at a
BI I always would sign them both up after
the plan with a kit. It made my job easier.

STP = Show The Plan
(Stage 2 of the process. You normally will
do a BI first and then invite your prospect to
an open meeting where someone who is
a Direct or above would be showing
the plan.

With that in mind, here's the "Backstage" training
only Directs and above get to know in Amway:

How Many Phone Calls To Find a DD?

4 Phone calls = 1 QI
2QI's = 1 person at the open meeting
4 people at the meeting = 1 person sponsored
4 people sponsored = 1 DD
128 Phone Calls To Find A DD

How Much Residual Income Is A DD Worth Over 30 Years?

1 DD = $650 a month
1 DD/year = $650 month * 12 months = $7,800.00 a year
A lifetime of a DD = 30 years
1 DD/Lifetime = $7,800.00/year * 30 years = $234,000.00/Lifetime

How Much Is Each Activity Worth Over A 30-Year Period?

By Phone Calls:
$234,000/128 phone calls to find a DD = $1,828.13 per phone call

By QI's:
4 phone calls = 1 QI = $7,312.52 per QI

By Each Person At An Open Meeting:
2 QI's = 1 at a meeting = $14,625.04 a person at an open meeting

By Each Person Sponsored:
4 sponsored = 1 DD = $58,500.16 for each front line you sponsor

As you can see, by breaking down what each
activity is worth to you over a 30 year period you
quickly gain insight to why companies like Amway
work so well when they don't have the lowest priced
products and the highest pay plan.

They build people.
They educate people.
They get people to take action.
They don't run ads.
They don't do mailings.
They are STILL the largest Network Marketing company in the WORLD!

And, they will continue to be, unless
some other company teaches their
troops how to take "massive amounts of action"
in the first 90 days of their business.


Tom Peters says:

"Anything worth DOING is worth doing POORLY".

Yes, action overcomes everything.

I QUIT my Amway business thousands of times
in my head.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every week
at the Open meeting.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every week
at product pickup.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every week
when I popped in a new tape.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every month
at the trainings in Dallas.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every 3 months
at the Conventions.

I RE-JOINED my Amway business every day when
I got up and had to go run a printing press!

Amway gave me the confidence that what I was
doing TODAY would pay off TOMORROW!

Amway taught me Delayed gratification. And, they
had 100's of speakers to back that fact up. Everywhere
I turned there was some Car Wash owner who took
7 years to be a Direct Distributor and he now makes
$50k a month.

They not only taught delayed gratification, they
had the muscle and documentation to back it up.

They showed me that I could do anything I put
my mind and heart into.

They showed me how to "inspireā€ others to step
out of their comfort zone and take action.

Does your opportunity?

See the difference.

Absorb these numbers, my friend.

Analyze them and compare them with your
own opportunity.

Critique yourself.

Start realizing that if you take a
"Social Security" attitude towards your
program, you'll be successful.

In other words, give your program the same
discipline and consistency and effort as you
do at your job where a small percentage is
contributed towards your retirement.

Why can't your Network Marketing opportunity
be your own form of retirement?

It can.

No, you probably won't work 40 years at the
same job.

But, you WILL still contribute a small amount
to your Social Security account regardless of
who you work for, now won't you?

Same goes with this industry.

You may not be with the same opportunity
for 40 years.

You may have bounced around.
You may be "between" companies.

But, don't forget that your greatest asset
is the relationship you build with those you
come in contact with.

And, don't forget that unless you start taking
MASSIVE action you'll never have a retirement
check from your Network Marketing opportunity.

Realize that every time you:

--Pick up the phone and dial a number
--Invite someone to a meeting or conference call
--Show the Plan (STP)
--Send an e-mail
--Send a brochure
--Mail a cassette
--Mail a video
--Talk to a co-worker

You are making money.

You may not "see" it now, but you are, indeed
making money.

Now, you may not see that money now, when
you need and want it, but it will be there.

When I learned that you could put a dollar
value to phone calls and showing presentations
I got excited.

I was able to teach myself within the REAL WORLD
teaching--trading dollars for hours.

At your job, if you went to work for 8 hours you
expect to get paid for 8 hours.

If you didn't you'd probably quit, wouldn't you?

Well, that explains why so many people with such
high hopes and expectations quit your downline.

They worked 8 hours and expected to be paid
for 8 hours work.

Someone forgot to tell them that the money doesn't
necessarily come every week.

Sometimes it takes months for it to show up.

Start telling your downline that every time they
make a call, they are getting paid.

Their money is just being "banked" by the
MLM bean counters.

Put in your time and effort and this industry
WILL reward you with your dreams.

It always has for me.

Thank you for letting me into your home or
office today and re-visit my past today.

No, the past does not equal the future.

But, the past does tell us many things. Namely,
that what efforts you do today, will someday
turn into residual income, so you can quit your
job and buy your life back.

Isn't that the main reason you and I both got
involved in Network Marketing in the first place?

Hang in there.

There really is a pot of gold at the end of the
Network Marketing Rainbow!

Robert Blackman
Network Marketer for Life

(405) 833-6899

Monday, July 03, 2006

July MLM Mastermind Blog--Week 1

"Robert Rants & Raves"

The plan is to rant and rave every week.

Hey, I'm also working on my own Radio show here in Okla. and I'm talking with a lawyer friend
of mine who owns a cable company as well for some Informerical time....

Who knows what will happen there!

Each week I talk with hundreds of prospects and distributors all over the country about their MLM business.

Rather that be Affiliate Marketing or Network Marketing or even Traditional Business.

By doing so I feel I have the "pulse" of what people are doing and saying.

And, more importantly, what people are doing "right" and "wrong" when it comes to their business.

Like my Dad always told me in our Printing Manufacturing business:

"Son, if you want to know what's going on, get off your butt and get out in the plant!"

He was right.

With 3 shifts working 'round the clock and with 200 people clocking in and out every day, it's amazing what I learned about both "business" and "people" by "hanging out" in the plant.

Today's Rant & Rave is simple--it's about:


What "set me off" this week was a series
of questions like these:

"What's the best program to join, a product
driven program or a pay plan driven program?"

"What's the best phone deal out there?"

"I'm ready to join, but I don't have any money
can you pay my way in?"

"I'll bring my whole group of 300 to you,
Robert, if you pay my way?"

"You're spamming me, stop it, and where's
my book I ordered?"

"I have to cancel out of your leads program
because I'm going in another direction...
(what direction is that? What business
in the WORLD can you do without a consistent
list of prospects?)

Most of the time people are looking
for an "excuse" to quit.

In the last four days I've put 21
people in my program
personally and 4 others quit.

I had a net gain of 17.

About 11 other "newbies" came in from
the efforts of others in my organization
that I had personally sponsored.

Not a great week.
But, not a bad week.
I call it a "normal" week.


Early on in my career I tried to
blame everyone.

My upline.
My wife.
My employees.
My banker.
My dog.

I was subject to starting at a
moments notice the next:

"Deal of the week".

I was so "uncommitted" to my business
that I divorced it everyday.

Then, every payday I re-married it
all over again.

It's a cycle.

It's a cycle until you make a personal
committment to FACE THE FACTS!

Face the facts Robert?
What do you mean?

The facts are these:

--More say no than yes.

--98% are not as excited as you.

--It's going to take at least 6 months
of working your butt off, spending time
and money you don't have to see what
you've got. Then, and only then are you
"allowed" to re-evaluate what you're doing.

--If you're not willing to stay in my
leads program for at least 24 weeks (6 months
in Oklahoma) and give me your "Bootcamp Best"
then don't waste your time and mine. Why
should we "pander to each other" and stroke
each other's ego when you're not serious
about TAKING ACTION and I know you're not?

--You're going to die someday and what kind
of experience did you have down here and what
kind of impact are you going to make when you live
and when you leave?

I know, why Robert, it's because, "I'm in
the pipeline" and someday I will be ready
to take action.

You're right--good answer!

The point today is simple.

--More say no than yes.

So, if that's the case, why not create
a system that will turn those no's into
more yes's?

And, why not also go to the next level
and say this:

"80% of those that initially say yes,
say no to doing anything at all or taking
any kind of action and will end up quiting
in 90 days or less"

Too brutal?

Not in my book.

You see, I HAD to make this business work.

My back was out and I could not run a printing
press any longer.

Have you ever been in the bathroom floor at 5:00 am
in so much pain you can't even scream help
to your wife?

That was me in 1988.

No back.
No printing.

No printing.
No bills being paid.
End of story.

The most life revealing 2 hours of my life
was spent on that bathroom floor on 1553
Hickory Drive in 1988.

At 7:00 am my wife stumbles in and finds me
in tears and all 210 lbs of me laying
face first on the floor.

I couldn't move me.
She couldn't move me.

3 more hours later a "Back Cracker" showed
up at the house.

To this day I'll never know what he did.

I was in so much pain I would of joined
"Amway" if they told me if I could stand
up on my own!

Seriously, though, on the bathroom floor,
this guy started touching my head and my
back and did some kind of "tapping" thing
with his hands.

In 5 minutes and in a forceful voice he said:

"Robert, stand up!"

Saying to myself, "what the hell, I'll
try to stand up".....

To my amazement, I DID!

Over the next few weeks I got on an excercise
program with him and today I am a "reformed
back cracker" graduate and no, I didn't have
to join Amway to do it.

The MORAL of today's Ranting and Raving?

With my face buried in the tile of the
bathroom floor in the pitch dark for 2
hours I found myself and I was forced
to be truthful with myself.

After feeling sorry for myself and crying
for about 30 minutes I started getting
mad at "me".

I visualized my wife walking in on this
whimpering shell of a man and wondered
what her reaction would be.

Knowing she'd still love me was one thing,
but I started to think:

"What am I so concerned about what she'll
think? Why am I not concerend about what

You see, at that point in my life, I had
so many of my dreams "squashed" in my face
that I had almost given up "hope" of ever
making enough money to sleep in on Monday
if I wanted.

Or, take off all day Friday just to go
to Six Flags if I wanted.

I had lost hope.
I had given up on myself.
I had brushed my dreams under the carpet.
I was bitter.
I was a first class "Know it all and smart ASS!"
I was no where near where I wanted to be at age 26.
I was a broken spirited man, with no money, no
hope, no support system, no faith and no prospects
of every getting myself out of my meager living.

It was only when my "meager" way of life was
THREATENED, that I began to start my recovery.

Now, step back and take a deep breath and think
about that statement for a moment.

"My Meager Lifestyle Was Threatened"



I ran a printing press for $10 an hour.
I lived in a house that cost $210 a month
that I was two months behind in rent.
If I missed two days of work in a row, I'd
lose my job.

As I visualized myself walking down to
the unemployement line, not because of
choice, but because my back went out, I
realized QUICKLY that I had to face reality.

UNLESS I was willing to start that DAY to
build a business that would pay me
REGARDLESS if I was standing upright or
laying on the floor, I would always be
in a position for my body to threaten my

Granted, $10 an hour wasn't much of a
lifestyle back in 1988.

But, it was all I had.

And, when it was threatened, I cried
through my pride and attitude and
GOT REAL with myself for the first
time in my adult life.

"Build a damn downline Robert!"

I kept saying to myself.

"Others are doing it, why aren't you?"

I filed bankruptcy that same year.

I also committed myself to a lifelong
pursuit of a:

"Passive, Walk-Away Residual Income"

It became my "QUEST".

An income that pays me for work I did
years before.

Residual income was the goal.

Putting my pride, my chip on my shoulder
and my "smart ass attitude" on the bench
was the answer.

I became a massive "Student" of direct mail
and of Network Marketing.

Today, I'm making money from that decision
I made on that dark, cold, tile floor on
1553 Hickory back in 1988.

I hope and I pray that you can come to your
own "reality check" today.

"My Life As I knew it was over", I said to


Because I could never look at myself in the
mirror again without knowing that I knew what
my future held unless I changed my direction
and my attitude.

I had to change.
Not my wife.
Not the industry.
Not the product.
Not the service.
Not the system.
And, by all means, not the pay plan.

Plain, old simple me.

Unless I changed, I saw myself running
a printing press until I was 62.

I saw myself bent over with a bad back
and food stamps with no hope or dreams
left, due to my stubborness and unwillingness
to change and go the extra mile.

You need to understand the significance of
what I telling you today.

It's you that has the power.

Not your upline.
Not your company President.
Not your products.
Not your service.
Not your website.
Not your system.
Not your pay plan.

YOU are the driving force.

And, until YOU figure that out,
you'll be in and out of "deals" for
the rest of your life trying to find
the pot of gold at the end of the

You are the rainbow and you are
the pot of gold.

It's time you realized that.

You can make Residual income from
your passion and your ability to
communicate that passion to others.

It's like a wildfire.

If you're not on FIRE, neither will
those you talk to about your business.

If you're not turning some people off
then, you're not in the game, in my opinion.

You're not looking for everyone.

Even though you may think that "everyone"
needs or can use what you have--they won't.

You're looking for "winners" or people with
a winning attitude and then you're going
to teach them "a" business.

End of story.

Find winners.
Teach them your business and cash the checks.
End of story.

The journey or "fun" is finding and teaching
these winners.

That's what I call "life".

That's the dynamic that will keep
you interested and willing to wake up
every morning with a purpose.

Within you is the ability to make
a decision and stick with it.

I and nobody else will follow a man
or woman who is indecisive.

Neither will you.

And, that means you have to make a decision

Get with it, or get over it.
Get IN the industry or get out of it.

It's a simple decision.

Being a "lifer" means never quitting.

Being a "lifer" means being dynamic in
some ways and forever consistent in others.

Action always defeats inaction.

My "key" to selling out to Residual Income?

Social Security.

I saw Network Marketing as my own form of
Social Security.

I had this thought:

"If I can make $2,000 a month at age 62
with Social Securing and another $2,000
a month with my business at age 62, then
I can live comfortably at $4,000 a month
and not have to work."

My plan was to "disprove" Social Security
and the 40 year "fight" would be:

Network Marketing vs. Social Security.

I knew what Social Security would pay
me if I worked 8-5 for 40 years.

What intrigued me was what could Network
Marketing pay me for working 10 hours
a week for 40 years?

Was I up for the challange?

Yes, I made a game of it.

Hey, that's $1,000 a week for a poor

That was my dream I started with at age
26 when I realized my life was over unless
I changed.

You see, I got a glimpse of myself at age
62 without Residual Income.

I saw myself working 5 days a week for 40
years for someone else.

I saw myself selling ouy to somebody elses
dream--not mine.

I sold my soul to someone else.

I didn't feel that I was worthy of such
greatness, so I went the path most traveled.

I worked for a living.

Once I saw myself at age 62 without Residual
Income it was easy to convince myself to
buck up and change and to stop making excuses
for the way I lived--or the lack there of.

I'm not talking about living lavishly.

Hey, if you have a problem with money, then
make lots of it and give it away to your favorite
charity or Church.

Stop making excuses and do the work.

That's what I did and that's what I'm recommending
you do today.

Stop listening to everyone elses success story
and feeling sorry for yourself.

If you compare your worst to their best you'll
always feel like quitting.

Instead, find out within what YOUR best is and
work towards that.

Life is dynamic.
It is not stagnet.

Giving up on your dreams is easy.
Anyone can do that.

It's the individual that faces their fear
and works through that with a game plan
that lives and experience life.

It's my contention (and don't get offended
if you don't believe the way I do, but hey,
this is me ranting and raving anway :>)

It is my contention that God is living through

He got bored, in my opinion.


Think about.

You wake up tomorrow and can do anything that
you think about.

Poof, a planet.
Poof, a new species.
Poof, a star system.

Poof, no challange.

If God is in me, then how can I fail?

He wants me to try new things.
He needs me to experience life for him
as He's perfect and cannot feel love or pain
without me.

I take great pride in pushing the limit on life.
I also take great pride in reading a great book
on the beach.

I'm experiencing life, my friend.

I can't take my downline with me, nor my Residual
Monthly check.

My downline and my monthly check is for my
family to use how the choose so they can help
God experience life through them.

That's my gift to my family.

Sure, I could still be a great Dad and person
without Residual income.

But, that's not my destiny.

My destiny is clear. I've seen it.

I've seen two choices for my life.

I spent two hours alone with myself and God
one gloomy morning sorting this stuff out
in 1988.

I made a decision of what path I wanted to
take and asked for his help.

God accepted my offer.
He's having fun living through Robert Blackman.

How about you?

Robert Blackman
(405) 833-6899